Project Journals.

Hi all, as announced in my earlier blog post ("Christmas Preps and exciting new stuff"), this will be a new section of the blog where I will post updates to my various project journals, for all of you guys to read and perhaps get some ideas of your own :D. But for now... Enjoy!


Journal One- The ring of 12 familiars.
{Click here to see the journal.}

Project start- (27/12/2013)
This is one of my 2 first projects, I have one familiar already, Prohield, I hope to make friends with more spirits, and have the honour of calling them my familiars, and so I am aiming to enchant a ring to be able to link with and summon 12 different familiars, being able to summon them instantly so as to be convenient in all circumstances, from an investigation to the heat of battle- and everything in between.
Click here for a list of all the entries.
Alternatively, click the title to go to the full journal.
If you see this, it means the Journal is still in progress so click here to see it!

(Note, while the journal is in progress it will appear below, but when the project is finished, it will be converted to PDF for ease of interaction and reading).


Journal One, entry 1.

The ring of twelve familiars.

Entry 1, Saturday 18th January 2014.

So, this is my first entry. So, I had this idea a while back, just took me ages to find a good time to start this project. First, let's outline the specification of what the ring will
do, for starters- here's what the ring looks like.

The roman numerals go up to 13, the first twelve are the areas to which the familiars seals are bound. The 13th will be the key stone.


A note about spirit seals and keystones.

Both of these are fundamental principles of arcane engineering. First of all-

Google sygil, you'll find hundreds of these little designs. Supposedly channeled from the heavens by Dr John Dee, Elizabethan Magician and adviser to Queen Elizabeth 1st. He was the father of all modern angelic magic.

Now, a sygil is a seal that is used in ritual to forcefully summon a spirit. The other components of the ritual of course, are binding it to your will, so it doesn't eat you for breakfast for interrupting it's day and forcing it to you.

The spirit seal here is what we are interested in, it is the symbol on it's own. To the conscious eye it looks simply as some squiggly lines of sorts. But try this, sit down and gaze at it in front of you, almost trance like. What you will see is the “squiggles” start to move. This is your unconscious mind, or you mind's eye, recognizing the power held within the seal.
How this works, is the energy is circulated in along the lines of the sygil, this produces a unique signature and frequency, which is the same frequency (but much lower amp, of course) as the spirit to whom the seal is bound.

This is, in effect, the spiritual call card. When energy is passed through it, it will alert the spirit that you seek it's presence, and based on the energy with which the frequency is generated it will come (or not). If the spirit is a familiar (a spirit with whom you are friends/have a contract) it will come.

A keystone, is simply the thing that keeps in place and maintains the seals. With seals, the more you use them, the more they “wear out”. The lines become microscopically fractured each time, and these build up over time. This “energetic noise” disrupts the frequency. A good analogy is having a loss of mobile phone signal.

So, what the keystone does, is it re-enforces and repairs the seals on an energetic level. Seals alone (not seals as part of a talisman, aka a sygil) were not designed to be bound and used more than once, therefore this must be accommodated for with the keystone.

Now, before anything can be done. Below is the basic list of what needs to be done before the project can be called a success.

1. The ring must be prepped.

The involves first cleansing it and then putting in the basic energy framework. So, partitions between each number and sealing them off as separate entities within the ring. Then secondly, the keystone must be fully installed and automated. This will be made as a basic seal and charge with the intent of the magician (in this case, me).

2. Design the ritual.
Design an adaptable ritual to infuse the seal into one of the 12 slots. In doing so, having the capacity to isolate each one with intent to charge with energy.

3. Test the prototype with one.

4. There will certainly be problems with twelve seals in one small space bound separately. I will need to identify these problems and fix them.

Personal notes:
As I finish this journal entry, I am doing some reading through various books and tomes that I have in my possession. It seems that, and I did not realize this at the time, that I have perhaps grossly under-estimated the difficulty of this venture I am under taking.

It seams that many magicians, both greater than me and before my time, have attempted such an endeavor and failed. Most of them managed to get three seals working, but they do not say how, so I'll have to invent a new way to do it anyway. Then of course, getting 12 to work... 

They all say something akin to Sub-resonance between the borders of the borders of the partitions between the seals causing interference. It also seems that serious injuries were incurred by one in particular who managed to get 5 working... at the cost of his right hand.

I am now seriously re-evaluating whether such an endeavor is worth while, to get 12 working. Regardless, for now I shall go ahead. Regardless of the odds stacked against me, I feel I can do it. 

Yours, always.
Lucius RavenCroft.
Consultant Exorcist.

                                              End of entry 1.


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